How MRKT251 is Graded

How is MRKT 251 graded?

The breakdown of the grades for the MRKT251 course is detailed on the course outline, and is as follows:

- Weekly blog work 15% (weeks 1-5).

Students are expected to emulate Humberproof blog and make a platform as good as or better than this portal!!!!  The blog should include original photos, stories and sidebar widgets - social gadgets that amplify the reach and impact of the content.

- Presentation of the blog 25% (weeks 7 and 8).

This allows the students to showcase what they did for the blog and all the social media, including  the metrics, what worked and what didn't.

- Lab assignments 15% (weeks 9-14).

Three assignments are worth 5% each and total 15% that tie into the material during the back half of the course.
apps, social media ads, mashups, attractions

- Class participation 10% for coming to class.

We take attendance. This is because so much of this class is demonstrated and discussed in class so if the students are not there we do not think they can really learn the material.

- Final test 35% (week 15)

Behold a multiple choice test on the material from the back half of the semester that we have covered in class. The test consists of 50 multiple choice questions.

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